Scientific AI Made Accessible

Open Accelerated Discovery

Scientific AI Made Accessible

Open Accelerated Discovery (OpenAD) integrates Accelerated Discovery tools and applications into an open source framework.
OpenAD description slideOpenAD description slide

Built on Open Source

Easily deploy scientific AI models

Automated access and deployment of scientific models on the cloud without custom-engineered environments

Orchestrate tools and projects
Fully open source

Learn more about OpenAD

The OpenAD Blog features posts from OpenAD scientists and developers. The source code for OpenAD is available on Github. Installing OpenAD is easy with PyPI.

openad on : OpenAD is available via the pip install command in Python. This is the easiest way to install OpenAD on your computer.
OpenAD Tool Kit on Github : The OpenAD tool kit is an open-source framework developed by IBM Research, aggregating a number of molecular science toolkits into a single API that can be accessed by command line, a Jupyter Notebook and (soon) an API.
OpenAD Documentation : Official documentation for OpenAD hosted on Github.

OpenAD Features

Model Service

Easily deploy models to the cloud without custom engineering. Create your own or choose from existing services

Visualization tools

Visualize molecules and their properties. View and and subset molecules you wish to work with

Built-in help

In application help with automated population for chosen model services. Option of LLM-assisted help

Exchange data with other researchers

Easily export and import your data and share with others

Data management

Organize data in project workspaces

Source molecular data on demand

Pub-chem and Deep Search integration

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Start accelerating your research today, risk-free, with Open Accelerated Discovery.

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